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#pounditMonday, June 24, 2024

Steve Kerr calls NFL’s new national anthem policy ‘idiotic’

Steve Kerr

Steve Kerr has never been shy when speaking his mind about political issues, and he’s not going to break from that now that the NFL has released a new policy regarding the national anthem.

On Thursday, Kerr was asked about the NFL’s decision to require players who are on the sideline to stand for the anthem but allow them to remain in the locker room if they so choose. He described the policy as “idiotic” and “typical of the NFL.”

It’s interesting that Kerr said he is proud of the NBA’s stance on freedom of speech and expression, as the NFL’s new policy is not that much different from the NBA’s. The NBA has had a rule in place for years that requires players to stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

“Players, coaches and trainers are to stand and line up in a dignified posture along the sidelines or on the foul line during the playing of the National Anthem,” the rule states.

Last season, NBA commissioner Adam Silver sent a memo to teams reiterating that it is the league’s policy that players, coaches and team staff members must stand. He did not specify what the penalty would be for kneeling, only saying “we’ll deal with it when it happens.”

Kerr, who has been known to crack a well-timed political joke or two, is probably referring to the hypocrisy of the NFL’s policy more than anything. They’re basically telling players they are allowed to protest but instructing them on how to go about it.


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