Cardale Jones wears 12 Gauge T-shirt at press conference
Cardale Jones confused many people by scheduling a press conference to announce that he will be returning to school. The thinking by most people was that Jones would only schedule a news conference at his high school to announce that he is leaving for the NFL. Instead, Jones used his platform to say he is going back to Ohio State.
The feelings about the press conference were mixed. Many equated it to Jones’ version of “The Decision,” which is acknowledged to have been a P.R. disaster for LeBron James because of it’s self-serving nature. If you believe that, then you probably did not care for the T-shirt Jones wore.
Jones’ T-shirt said “12 Gauge Buckshot” on the front, which is a reference to Cardale’s nickname. The young quarterback has such a great arm that it is compared to a 12-gauge shotgun. He said he got it from a shop in Columbus.
Couple the shirt with the press conference at his high school as well as his pre-press conference tweet which now seems like his way of messing with everyone, and it’s easy to see why the whole thing rubbed people the wrong way.
This was the tweet:
Life changing decision at 4pm
— Cardale Jones (@CJ12_) January 15, 2015