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#pounditSunday, February 9, 2025

Zach Smith accuses Tom Herman of cheating on wife in massive Twitter rant

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Zach Smith went off on a massive Twitter rant against Tom Herman on Sunday night that he says was inspired by learning that Herman was behind a media leak that got him in trouble at Ohio State.

Smith is the former Buckeyes wide receivers coach who was fired before the season after allegations of his domestic abuse against his ex-wife Courtney surfaced. Urban Meyer was investigated by Ohio State for his handling of Smith and ended up on paid leave and suspended three games before returning to the program.

In his Twitter rant, Smith decided to out Herman, his former co-worker at Ohio State who is now the head coach at Texas, for allegedly cheating on his wife, Michelle.

Here’s a look at some of the tweets. Beware that they contain some swear words.

Here are some of the specific allegations of Herman cheating that Smith hurled:

Smith also accused Herman of having a drinking problem.

Finally, he admitted that he went on the rant after learning that the Hermans were the source of the leak to reporter Brett McMurphy that exposed Smith.

Smith’s Twitter meltdown comes across as vindictive and makes him look like an angry, unstable, abusive loose cannon, which is exactly what he was accused of being by his ex-wife. Smith probably thought he was going to bring down Herman with his tweet storm, but instead he only proved how unstable he is and how untouchable he would be for a football program. His tweets confirm why his ex-wife needed legal protection from him.